Welcome to the scionlg3 project.
This project is a kernel-space device driver for the Scion LG3
framegrabber card under Linux. This card is intended for high-end imaging
and scientific applications. It is one of the few cards that come with
complete register-level documentation from which the current driver
was developed. Unfortunately the hardware is no longer available from the
manufacturer. It is probably not too difficult to find surplus LG-3's, as many
such cards were embedded into medical and industrial systems.The emphasis of this driver is for use in an experimental data-taking
environment. In some experiments, it can be difficult to collate the data from
several video and non-video data sources. The scionlg3 driver solves this
problem by providing a time stamp on frame capture. The driver also
provides functions for setting the card look-up table (LUT), and selecting video
black and white levels.The driver is designed to facilitate custom image processing, either at
the shell script level, or with custom C code. The package includes
header files and a sample C program that demonstrates how to access
key driver features (a basic SDK). At the simplest level,
the card is triggered with one of the included utility programs, and data
is read out in raw format from a device file, /dev/lg3-0.The project files are available for download here.
The above images are, (left) a false color laser spot image, and (right) a tantalum
electrode formed by electric discharge machining, both taken with the scionlg3 driver.MATLAB tools: This project has code for capturing
images into MATLAB.------->HELP WANTED WITH TESTING<--------
If anyone would like to help out with testing a version of the driver for
the 2.6.xx series kernels, that would be welcome.
Other Linux framegrabber software (incomplete list): see Sourceforge
projects dt3155a, and dt3152 for the Data Translation cards.
This site has information about Imagenation drivers.
Coreco drivers can be found here ftp.gom.com.
The Comedi project has resources for a variety of hardware.
Commercial drivers are available for some EDT and Matrox products.
Conspicuously missing from the list: NI drivers (either commercial or community).